Saturday, March 29, 2014

Eggs on Display

At the art show at Cowerks one week from today, I'll have a display case with some pysanky. Some eggs will be for sale too, under $25. I'm so nervous about transporting them. I bought extra bubble wrap and these custom made boxes just for the eggs, which I went all the way to NY to purchase. I hope that'll prevent any heart break I may experience from moving the eggs around. They'll be on display for a month, so if you can't make it to the reception, try to view the show during the month of April. For more information on the show, please check out the event page here.


  1. love the use of gradient red color on the top feels raw and modern

  2. Transporting delicate items can be really scary. There is a risk that it will be broken before it can get to its destination. Good thing you bought extra bubble wrap and boxes just for these eggs. This will lessen the risk of breaking on the way to the art show. And I hope it really does help. How was it, btw?

    Clay Delgado @ World Packaging
