Sunday, December 27, 2015

A festive view of our apartment

I hope you all had a lovely holiday, filled with desserts, gifts and holiday lights. Several of my friends got engaged and I heard happy news that my friend is going to have identical twin boys! Before the chaos of driving up and down, left and right, all over this garden state, Daimon and I woke up with his brother, Noah, to gifts under our semi-lit tree (Don't worry- we purchased a discounted, big, green tree at Target yesterday). I got a Buddha Board and art history books- just what I wanted! I'm not lying when I tell you it is so much fun to play with.  It's an art therapy tool for your home to help you let go of a fleeting creative moment. It has also rekindled an interest in acrylic painting again, something that's been difficult for me to get back into.

While looking for discounted cookie tins, Daimon and I stumbled upon this globe that functions as a little indoor bar. We treated ourselves to a Christmas gift... 

Before leaving for family visits, Daimon had the idea to take photos of ourselves before we left. I still think Daimon and his brother look like they work for a law firm, and I laughed out loud when I saw how serious mine looked.

We're taking down some of our Christmas decorations to make room for other things and put our apartment back together. The dinosaur can stay, but the village has got to go!

The Terminator rides a cardinal atop our tree and Daimon's "Christmas Wizard" rides his magical horse. You can be entertained by his silly Christmas poem below.

I think one of my favorite memories this year was watching Batman Returns Christmas night (come on, that is definitely considered a Christmas movie), taking a snooze, and waking up to Daimon, Noah, and our friend Gregg all sound asleep with the movie playing. We were all so pooped, but it felt like home.

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