Sunday, September 9, 2012

A Long Awaited New Chapter

It’s been official for a while, but the ring makes it a solid statement. We’re getting married! I was totally unaware of Daimon’s intentions as we drove down 340 to Harper’s Ferry. He asked me under a healthy tree rooted right in the clear river. He had no problem getting his knee wet.  It was a really rainy morning, hence why I'm soaking wet in the picture!

Soon after, Daimon had scheduled an appointment at a prestigious photography studio in Gettysburg owned by photographer R.J. Gibson. We held our pose for 13 1/2 seconds in grand attire. R.J. casually rotated our plate with expertise as the solution coated it. Our image appeared and it brought tears to our eyes. This would be the photo that told our family and friends of our engagement. The whole weekend was truly an unforgettable experience. It was appropriate to have this picture taken since photography is what brought us together.

We met in 2005 in a darkroom photography class at the local Vocational School.  He was an exceptional student and taught the darkroom portion to students (I was one of those students). He wore a dorky lab coat, really dirty high top converse, and had longer hair than me. I was immediately smitten and interested in his photography; at the time he explored textures and expressions. By the time the school year was ending in June, we decided to become an item. And yes, he took me to my senior prom that next year. 

Daimon and I have a more interesting story behind that backdrop.  Unbeknownst to us, we both had sisters with Down Syndrome.  Of course compassion and empathy for those with disabilities were huge prerequisites to finding a companion. If that wasn’t a huge deal to us, it was even more surprising to learn we both had grandmothers who were opera singers, had been band hopping and a part of the asbury music scene in high school, and had the same noticeable scar in the same place on our knees from childhood.

The first week we were together he made me a cassette tape, which I still have today. I could tell you what songs sound warbley! At the time it was cute but little did I know how nostalgic it would become.  

For anyone who knows us well, it’s easy to notice that we have our own separate cultures.  We like different music, make different art, and have different social personalities. I think these differences make our union interesting and we’ve maintained our individuality through the years. We pick up what the other lacks. We’re a great compatible team and communicate well to find compromises.  I have faith in our relationship and look forward to our future together.  It’s an amazing time for us and we’re so delighted and proud to share that with you. June 8th, 2013 we’re being married by our friend Richie Brown and our dearest friends Jeff and Lisa Gross are our witnesses/photographers. Just the 5 of us in gorgeous Shenadoah Valley, VA (pictured here). We're having a big party when we come back!


  1. I'm so excited for you guys! Congrats! I'd have to say as someone who's only recently become familiar with you that it isnt surprising in the least-- your connection is palpable from the moment of introduction. We are all at least slightly jealous! All the luck to two great people

  2. This is so beautiful. I'm so excited for you! Congrats! Sending my best wishes for an amazing future together. :)

  3. I hope you invite us the party! So excited for you!! :D <3

  4. Awww Jenn. That's so sweet! You're the best :)

  5. I remember that prom dress! ^_^ I enjoyed reading this, you guys are fantastic together and I'm so happy for you getting hitched and stuff! <3

  6. YAY Jennifer! Bren and I made an account just so we could leave a comment. We are soooooo happy for you! I knew I liked Daimon when we were at Easter Brunch and I ordered Diet Coke and Lobster Bisque and he told me I better find a good man! You two are so perfect for each other and you are going to have such an amazing life together. Good luck with all the work for the wedding (I'll help with the dress). See you soon! XOXOXO<3 Btw Bren will help with the dress too;)
