Sunday, May 5, 2013

Some Things I did Today

I figured out that I should've been using Liquitex String Gel and Pouring Medium a long time ago.  Working with embroidery thread is my thing.... so making your own liquid thread and painting with it is something that I'll be using a lot more these days.  This painting is titled "Leaf Head"; inspired by a relationship I had with a painting at the Berkley Hotel in Asbury Park.

I saw my first frog for the year and I caught him with my super-speedy hands. After Hurricane Sandy, many people were concerned that the wildlife would be affected by the flushing of salt water.  Thankfully, the tadpoles, frogs, and birds all survived and are reappearing as they usually do this time of year.

My lesson plan for the 3rd grade on Matisse is finished!

 Daimon and I went to our friend's house for some homemade rainbow cookies. They were delicious and the colors were awesome.
A discarded dresser was given to me with some much needed TLC and new hardware.  I think these knobs might bring some life back to the furniture piece.  Since I'll be a "Santa Maria", I think this might be most fitting.

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