Sunday, March 26, 2017

Pysanky at the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors

I was in high school the first time I ever heard the name Alex Grey. I bought up every book I could find about his artwork. I've been moved by his work for over a decade now; a print of his hangs over our bed. Daimon and I would go into New York City to participate in a few events at the COSM, and then they moved out to the country, which is what brings me to writing this blog post. 

I was invited back to the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors in Wappingers Falls NY to teach pysanky for a second spring in a row.  The class was packed, and for the first time since I've been teaching the art form, it was an equal distribution of men and women! There were plenty of patterns to look at in the space for inspiration. 

I was able to stay in one of their rooms, but I couldn't have imagined how beautiful, peaceful and unique my room would be. They called it "The Pyramid Room". It was perfect for one.

A few friends took the class and stayed for the lecture after the workshop. The lecture was very inSIGHTful since the lecturer was an optometrist who practices chinese medicine.

After the lecture, we saw some interesting wooden shapes by the fireplace, the positives of these shapes were being used in a project, but the negative shapes were too interesting to not play with.  I brought one home to keep. It looks like a crop circle carved from wood.

This reference is going to be perfect for my next pysanka.

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