Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Art Show Weekend Recap

I curated two different art shows in the same weekend.. phew! They were equally as time consuming as they were exciting. I prepared new work, printed and posted flyers, and brought my loaded polaroid camera with me!

Some of the polaroids I took this weekend...
Daimon, Gregg Bautista and I made mini dessert "burgers" for Friday's show

These guys jammed with a synth-kini and saxophone at Atomic in Point Pleasant. I jumped in with a kazoo just for laughs 

Some shots from the Tent City benefit show. I love this pic of these 2 love birds swinging

That dog hung out with the tarot card reader begging to know his future! Thought I'd take a photo since this guy, photographer and illustrator Gregg Bautista, wasn't doing his job! hehe

What a fun weekend, I love when all the people I know and love start to introduce themselves to each other. I really consider those moments to be like holidays; my family is coming together!  Richie playing his synth-kini in public, watching Chris Rockwell's set on my blanket with some awesome ladies, and playing back to back with Daimon were some of my favorite moments from the weekend... but I think my favorite one of all had to do with a jersey tomato.  I had a tomato in my bag for a snack at the benefit show, and couldn't help but share it with a nearby friend, James Herdman (musician for Accidental Seabirds and Thomas Wesley Stern).  I thought it was so funny that he found me an hour later and had managed to get a tomato from home just to share it with me!  It was the perfect summer day in Jersey; it'll be hard to forget sitting on a stump snacking on a tomato while everybody around me is smiling and having fun. It was memorable.

Here's my favorite polaroid of all.  It's interesting to me when I have a picture in my mind of how an event is supposed to go, and then it's completely different than what I imagined.  Thankfully both shows were better than I expected, and I got to connect with old friends and dance with some new ones. Hope you had a great weekend too!

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