Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Crossed off

There might have been about 60 things on my summer to do list 3 months ago, and nearly ALL of them have been crossed off. IT FEELS SO GOOD!

-Watch Fire & Ice, Airplane, Microcosm, Akira, Zero Theorem, and 4th Kind (without falling asleep halfway through...)

-Try new recipes and make an illustrated recipe book

 -Play an open mic night (I played two!) and learn a new cover. My cover of choice was this little jem:

-Prepare new work for my online portfolio and the Caldwell College Alumni art show

-Create a large mosaic

-finish the calendar. Coming soon!

-Catching frogs at Double Trouble

-Go Camping (we went twice!)

-Float down the delaware river and Double Trouble State Park (we went twice!)

-sell your stuff at the flea market, garage sale, and etsy.

-Finish my website!

-Cook more unusual dishes- this included some mediterranean dishes and trying to perfect my curry sauce, which is getting better but I need more experience...

-Kayak to new places around the Barnegat bay and visit F Cover, aka party cove.

-Ride my bike to Brick Beach, Point Pleasant Beach, and cruise down island beach.

-Take a nap on the beach

- Make spicy pickles

All I have left is to clean my car out from all the sand, then comes teaching in September. I hope you had a productive summer too!

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