Thursday, January 24, 2013

A New Painting: Work in Progress

I realized something strange about my portfolio recently since I've been preparing materials for the interviewing process:  I had very few paintings to showcase my painting skills. Although I've been a master painter for Bernard Maisner Studio for the past 4 years and have taken several painting courses, I have little personal work I'm proud enough to showcase that wasn't a nude.  I knew I could use those really nice Lascaux acrylics someday! It's very enjoyable to mix the colors and much of my painting sessions with the model were dedicated to that. 

I guess you could say it's a little impressionist of me that I don't like to blend paints; just straight color next to another color. I was researching Monet recently and discovered an interesting fact about him. When he died, his good friend Georges saw black material over his coffin. He yelled, "No! No Black for Monet!" Monet absolutely hated black. Any darks in his paintings were mixed using reds and greens together. So his friend purchased a floral fabric and draped that on the coffin instead. 

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