Monday, January 28, 2013

An Untraditional First Start

Today was my first day of student teaching at Hawthorne High School.  It was quite an a-typical day because only half of the students were in each class as the school was preparing to break a world record. At third period, I rushed upstairs to help with the festivities.  I was humbled by how much unity I could see at the school for a cause. In an effort to raise money for Sandy Hook Elementary, each student paid a donation to help pop bubble wrap. Check out the video from the day; maybe you'll see me running around helping!

After the countdown, I swear it might've been the loudest sound I ever heard. I regret not wearing the earplugs the Principal gave me.  It turns out that Hawthorne is where bubble wrap was invented. Although I never like to waste plastic, I can't help but feel like bubble wrap is one of those mediums that is always so much fun to work with.  It's just just a piece of plastic until a person has a tactile dialog with it.

It was a great first day and I really enjoy working in the Media Arts room. Soon we'll be working on claymation and digitally drawing on photographs.

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