Sunday, February 3, 2013

New Embroidery of 2013

This new embroidery piece, "Brooding Over Life's Injustices", did not come out exactly as I had imagined, but the concept is still just as saturated with meaning. I designed the piece to have a figure that could not be easily identified as man or woman.  The piece would have an elongated body and neck, similar to  Mannerist paintings. With only a few predetermined details, I manipulated the satin surface using fabric dyes, hand embroidery, and working with gold-leaf thread.

So many women in my life have been jaded. They stick their necks out to help others only to be taken advantage of. It really bothered me that the people I love have had those shortcomings, but it was painful to acknowledge that I allowed others to take advantage of me. It took some degree of maturity  to realize that most people are not looking out for your best interest and want the best for you.  After a year like 2012, when those who were meant to support me actually inhibited me, I decided to make this piece for 2013;  a sign that our hearts of gold will prevent us from apathy and coldness toward the world, but we will also suffer for our sensitivity and compassion that we share with those who are unworthy. 

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