Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Warning: Nudey Post

There is no passion like the passion of figure drawing. It loosens up the tightened, structured artist and you can sculpt in two dimensions.  Although I only have 7 years experience (as opposed to the artists who have 40+ years), I consider it my strength.  Even with your greatest skills, there are always new things to learn and room for improvement.  It will take my lifetime to be a master draughtswoman.

Not all figure drawings move me like these ones:

LOVE white chalk on toned paper

You can't learn this stuff from a book;  it takes many years of hands on practice, working with a model, and receiving feedback from artists or teachers.  I'll be teaching the basics of figure drawings to beginners at the Collective Art Tank, located in Asbury Park on April 6, June 28, July 5, and August 2.  Check out their site for more details:

And if you're so inclined, you can check out some of my personal work at- 

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