Friday, August 24, 2012

What I Wore

When I wear jewelry I want it to be a statement. These earrings and necklace are like compliment magnets.

Both artisans have different intentions and processes but both stand out from the large crowd of jewelry makers you'd see in stores or craft shows. 
Geraldine Valecillos has a small business called Luna Blanca, specializing in polymer clay earrings for stretched and non-stretched ears. I don't have gauges but the style of earrings makes it hard to tell.  She has an eye for shape and plays on the way ears are curved. Geraldine is also an exhibiting painter whose painting style is reminiscent of her craft. Shape and color are important to Geraldine; the rich, saturated red you would find in her paintings you would also find in her hand crafted earrings.

Luna Blanca will have a table at the Smithville Art Walk in Smithville NJ on Saturday, September 8th and purchases can be made if you contact her directly on her business Facebook page:

Artsy Lady, started by Olivia Majeski, utilizes vintage images from the Golden Nugget and other flea markets, preserved by a glass cover.  The ship piece I own was originally a notecard from the late 1800s with a love letter on the back. It helps that my name will be changing to Jenny Santa Maria, so I have a connection to the ship motif. Nearly all her pieces have original vintage artwork, and you can tell by her jewelry that she has an eye for images having to do with women, identity and memories at the shore.  Her hand crafted jewelry can be found at New to You Vintage in Point Boro and the Opdyke Christmas craft show in Bayhead (runs through November). 

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